Dying Of Whiteness

Alongside Star Trek I read a fair number of other books. One year I challenged myself to just read as much as I could and wound up somewhere in the 100 range. That year I reread The Stand, The Tent, introduced Fried Green Tomatoes, Steve Jobs bigoraphy and a few other oddities such as The Martian and The Brothers Karamazov. As an amatuer writer myself reading provides an excuse to hear a different voice inside my head.

I recently finished Dying of Whiteness which I found to be infitintely fascinating. The chapters on health care and education were not as mind blowing as the gun and suicide chapters. Far and away it shows that White guys are equal opportunity killers LOL. As of ‘22 we account for 68% of suicides, totaling roughly 39k deaths. Conversely we also account for 68% of known homicides, totaling around 7k deaths. Meanwhile we accounted for only 40% of homicide victims, resulting in around 8k deaths. These stats are all freedom based (ie USA)

Great read, would recommend.